Tuesday, 27 February 2018

I Regretted My Last Relationship !! Part 3

Despite I felt a lot of pains, this experience was really a revelation of who God is to me.  When the room didn't lead me out of the house,  I thought the only thing left for me was death.  But I was wrong,  the room led to my deliverance.  Most of the time, we always think God will save us through a rout, but his ways are different.

As I was crying and trying to move out of this room to face my fate.  I felt a hand pulled me back,  I was half dead,  I thought probably, someone was in the room I didn't notice, but when I turned back,  I didn't see any one.  Instead,  I noticed a big double door wardrobe in this room,  it was as if I was blind before, I went straight away to this walldrope,  as if a hand is still pulling me along, I opened it.

This wardrobe has three compartments. The top was full of diffent types of guns and handsets. The middle was filled with clothes, while the down part has different kinds of shoes and bags. Immediately I sighted my phone and my bag. I was shaking at this discovery. "God is the greatest. No one can beat God".

Quickly I decided to pick my phone and switch it on,  I was surprised that it was still intact, I sent text message to my aunt immediately, informing her that I have been trapped and almost killed in Fred's house, that I discovered Fred is a cultist, and that all she need to do as early as she get the message is to go and get the police informed immediately and come for my rescue.

I also added that I stole my phone to send the message, and that she may not be able to reach me again.  Immediately I sent it,  she replied with ah!  Ah ah!  The God that I serve will rescue you. Just be calm. I am in the church for women vigil.  All will be well!  I sent her another message telling her not to send any message again,  that I will be waiting for her. I quickly deleted all the messages, switched off the phone,  replaced it there. Immediately I closed the walldrope, the wardrobe disappeared into the wall, I was shaking greatly at this revelation. I now knew it, that it was not visible when I first entered the room.

An angel took me there for my deliverance and quickly I moved back to my prison. They were still there dancing, drinking, and having fun in the dancing room. No one took note of me.

But something happened to me when I got back to the room I was put.  I was not afraid again.  The revelation I saw  earlier made me very bold.  I knew and was so sure that God will save me. I became so calm.  I was waiting for God  to finish what he started.

For God shall deliver the needy when he crieth; the poor also, and him that hath no helper.

To be continued........

©Evang Kemi Longe


DEAR HEAVENLY AND ALL-SUFFICIENT FATHER, I Thank You for setting me a blaze for the kingdom; giving me the assurances that i'm not alone and all things are working together for the Good of me(Rom8:28).

Today, I rule my world; mediating on the word of God on my inside and going out to touch and affect lives positively and rightly(Josh1:8).

I know I'm forever flourishing in all spheres of life! Men are coming to my rising this season and the glory of God is radiating on me;

Glory to God!-in Jesus'name

Sunday, 25 February 2018

I Regretted My Last relationship!! part 2

Seeing his wife to be, as the goat being raped, I even thought it will be painful to him.  But his reactions was very different to the Fred I used to know. He shouted "you! how did you get here? Now that you know who I am, you have to die" I started shouting Fred please!  Fred please! moving close to him on my kneels, then the other guy pushed me back,  slapped me again and again,  saying who is Fred? I think the goat is a mad one, laughing crazily.  He couldn't get what was happening between us. 

So callous in mind,  Fred said immediately, Go get me my gun! You can never imagine if he has seen me for once. He pretended he does not know me. But instead of the other guy to go and get his gun as instructed, he moved very close to him, whispered something into his ear. All Fred said was "fine!" after that.  He left the room with that guy immediately switching off the light, they banged the door.

oh!  What a pain! I never knew love can turn to even death not hatred in a moment.
I was left alone!  Immediately I remembered "wolves In Sheep Clothing"

That is what my pastor use to call fake brethren. I thought he was a sheep!  So Fred is a wolf! Still tied on both hands,  with blood on me I knelt down cried unto God, forgive me oh Lord for my carelessness, but save me from these wolves. That was when I understood everything that my pastor use to tell us singles.  I realised I was not patient at all.  I didn't allowed God to lead me,  but Fred. I regretted all the steps I took.

I was left alone in that dark room for hours I cannot tell. I remembered my phone and my bag that was taken by the guy that raped me. Can I even do anything with my hands tied? I was so hopeless! I imagined if aunty Victoria can know what she put me through.

She connected me to this evil man,  thinking he would tutor me in the way of God. No one knows my whereabouts. Mother thought I was at Kano, likewise my Aunt.  Who can save me now? I was deep in this thought when I heard foot steps again. The first thing that came to my mind was that my prayers has been  answered, probably he has changed his mind to kill me. I was wrong,  no one came to my door. I started hearing voices, music, sound of people having happy moments.

Guessed I  have been forgotten. The noise was growing bigger! I guessed it was a party. Suddenly my fear left me.  Something just told me that I can excape. I stood up,  thank God my blindfold has been removed, I bent to  look through the door hole, I didn't see anything. I bent again,  used my chin to press the door handle, Lo and behold  it opened.

I peeped out, to the right, the corridor led to a big room afar off, supposed to be a sitting room,  but it was having no furniture,  afar off, I saw people dancing in twos and most of them carrying bottles, I guessed that was beer or hot drinks. Odour of smokings has filled the whole place.  To the right of the corridor, the far end led to an opening I saw  not well enough.  The house was poorly lighted. 

I summoned courage, like Esther "if I die I die" I tip toe, moving towards the opening, although I didn't know where the opening led too. I haven't walked a little distance when a guy half naked,  drunk I guessed, came out from another door on the corridor. I almost fainted,  but surprisingly, he said "Mary! Mary!  I said I'm not drunk, give me more drink now" trying to pull me to himself.  Immediately I keyed into the game. I said oh! more drinks for you!  Loose my hands!  I turned my back on him.

Immediately he bent down to loose  the rope singing along  with the music.. He found it so difficult, he was pulling my hands instead of him loosing the rope. I felt much pains, that was when I knew how drunk he was,  but I had to manage. Luckily for me,   one hand came out of the rope suddenly. I used the that hand to remove my other hand from the rope. 

I pulled up my skirt very well, I told the guy" go join them,  let me get you more drinks,  staggering to the dancing room,  he left. I continued towards the opening still tip toeing. When I got there, It only led to another room,  lighted though, I busted into tears,  I couldn't cry aloud. I lost hope of escape!

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

©Evang Kemi Longe


Saturday, 24 February 2018

I Regretted My Last Relationship !! Part 1

I never knew he was not a believer. We prayed together, we church together, we even fasted together. He was everything to me.  When I needed money he gave me.  I took him to my mum,  to my greatest surprise mum loved him.  Mum has never liked any of my male friends. She must have excuse for not liking them.

One was too short for me,  despite he was a good Christian. What an excuse.  True! I am a short beautiful girl.  But I loved Dave!  Dave was too short for mum. A little shorter than me though. But does that really matters? All I cared about was someone that can understand me.

When I raise my hand, Dave knows what I wanted.  We were the most  beautiful couple on campus.  We did everything together. But he never touched me for sex.  He was a good home trained boy that does not believe in that, naturally.

My growth spiritualy was slow but I was not an unbeliever when I met Fred. I couldn't pray through, but he convinced me that he heard God speak to him.  He was mentoring me I thought. Put me through in so many spiritual things. He condemned so many things I use to do.  I love my trousers,  jeans most especially. He took them away!
Bought me ten beautiful colourful  skirts, just in one day. I haven't left school when I met him.

Fred was a civil engineer. I met him at my aunt's church in porthacourt  when I went to see my aunt from school. Fred was a youth leader at my aunt's church. Oh! I regretted the day I met Fred. I spent two weeks with aunty Vic. It was like a day, just because of Fred. As if my break should not end again. He took my number on that same day aunty Vic introduced me to him. We became friends that same day.  Our friendship brought him to University of Ibadan where I was studying then severally. He will always lodge in an hotel when he comes around.

I was serving as a youth Corp when I decided to visit Fred without notice. I travelled down from Kano to porthacourt to see Fred on this fateful day. I got to his house around 9:05. The gate was left unlocked. I peeped and peeped,  no sign of the gate man. I wanted to do a surprise visit.  I entered the compound without anyone noticing me. Getting to the door,  it was locked,  but I was hearing sounds from inside. But not of people talking, it was not a sound I was  really familiar with either.  Not of pain,  not of joy,  but so weak.  I peeped through the window I was hearing the sound from. It was so dark. I turned round the house to the other door,  it was wide opened. Right in the kitchen I met a guy in a hot sex with a lady. I ran back. He left the girl, and  ran after me. He got me so quickly. Slapped me,  asking me who I wanted. I said "please its Fred"  He dragged me along, took me inside,  open a dark room, threw me on the floor, and said,  good we have a new goat now! I tell you, I was breathing as if it was my last breath. 

He pointed a gun at me,  and told me to hold my lips. He opened the wardrobe in the room, brought out rope to tie my hands to the  back.  He tied my face with a scarf he loosed from his head.

I was lying down almost lifeless for fear, when I noticed a wet hands pull down my skirt.  I wanted to shout but I remembered the gun.  I started begging him. He slapped me severally and deflowered me. I cried and cried as he was struggling to do this. After this I heard him left the room banging the door behind him.

I was still sobbing like a baby, when I head the voice of Fred coming along the corridor of the room I was put. I heard someone told him,  "Scot! we have a new goat,  Baba will be glad,  I think she missed her road, she was looking for one Fred"

I heard the door opened,  and I saw the ray of light through the scarf on my face as they switched on the room's light. Then Fred said "why the blood" I was bleeding! "Idiot!  did you rape the  goat?" Fred said.  I didn't know she was a virgin!  He replied. "Notwithstanding you have defiled the goat! She must not meat a man for seven days, Please throw her away! She is not useful. We shall use the old  goat. She is already here for seven days." Fred said again. I was shaking where I was lying for the revelation that Fred is a cultist.

By himself he pulled off my blindfold,  just to discover his wife to be.

To be continued..........

Take heed!
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father.

©Evang Kemi Longe

Friday, 23 February 2018


DEAR STRONG AND MIGHTY FATHER, I Thank You for making all things perfect in my life; I have no reason to look on to man for anything, and You have established Your greatness in my life ; for what You give last forever(James1:17)!

Today, my countenance is lightened,life is a pointer to victory, my success is resounding and my world is painted with the Word of the Spirit(Heb11:3).

This weekend, men shall come to my rising(1Cor9:8)! Glory to God in Jesus'name


Thursday, 22 February 2018


DEAR STRENGTH-GIVING AND LIFE-TRANSFORMING FATHER, I Thank You for being a God that gives his Children Hope in this world; Your word is my anchor, manual for living and I know Christ in me, is glory received(Joel3:16)!

This day, I'm connected to Jesus; my root is deep in the ever fresh reality of God's kingdom and supplanted in the divine sustainability where God and I are inseparable one(1Cor6:17)!

I know I'm God's and no devil can touch me!

Glory to God-in Jesus'name

Wednesday, 21 February 2018


DEAR SUCCESS-GIVING AND WORTHY FATHER, I Thank You for transforming my heart and mind to conform to Your will by Your Spirit; I'm enlightened and made perfect in weaknesses(Ps34:5).

Today, people choose to help me; I'm not alone in life because I know that God is raising the world to answer to me and I don't struggle to make it, for favour of God and men is at work in me(Ps124:8)!

Today, I'm free from sin, death and destruction and I'm free indeed!

Glory to God-in Jesus'name

Tuesday, 20 February 2018


DEAR PERFECT AND LOVE-PERSONIFIED FATHER, I Thank You for Prevailing in all I do; all I think, say and do speaks blessings for i don't lack glory in different phases of my life(Num22:6).

Today, I display the Excellency of God at work in me; the grace of God on my life is put into use by living the word from inside out(2Tim2:1).

I'm stronger to face today with all efficiency and accuracy of the Spirit of the word!

Glory To God-in Jesus'name

Friday, 16 February 2018

Punch news headlines today

Should ministers have powers to discipline heads of agencies they supervise

FG should end NNPCs destructive monopoly

Herdsmen attacks, destruction of farmlands worsen food insecurity

Clear petrol queues before Sunday, FG orders NNPC

PwC leads in global brand index

You can make it in Nigeria ' Shobanjo

Combating Lassa fever outbreak

Police arrest two kidnappers, rescue two victims in Niger

How 150 died in Jigawa road accidents FRSC

Waiting for Adekunle Gold, Praiz at 100% concert

Tope Alabi, others for Gospel Vibes

Reekado Banks, Simi others thrill at Cool Breeze Party finale

David Alabas sister, Rose May, romances African sounds

Registered voters: NWest, SWest lead

Lassa fever kills man, two pregnant women in Benue

Ill take Nigeria to the next level, says Buhari

Buhari okays rebuilding of communities affected by herdsmens attacks

Woman joins Ekiti gov race

Niger CJ frees 27 Minna, Suleja prisons inmates

We cant provide information on Buharis UK treatment Emefiele, CBN

SAfricans jubilate as Ramaphosa succeeds Zuma

BHaram member who served as guard in Lagos jailed 25 years

Anti-graft war: Osinbajo blames low convictions on manipulation

Buhari on private visit to Daura

Army places N3m bounty on Shekau

Fire scare forces Senate to end plenary

Kaduna APC faction queries el-Rufai, suspends commissioner

Dont sell your future, Faparusi tells voters

Nigerian student develops new diagnosis for retina disease

The commanding privilege of leadership

Govt makes waste bins compulsory on Island

Lagos promises better pilgrimage in 2018

Ogun ruler advises subjects on health

ANAN seeks synergy among accountants

Marriage registry: Court decides LGAs case against FG April 30

Restructure Nigeria now, say Ohanaeze youths

Army offers N3m reward for information on Shekau

Buhari congratulates Ramaphosa

MTN has so far paid N110bn in fine ' NCC

Contributory pension: PFAs pay N501bn to retirees

Tier-2 banks face capital shortfall on naira depreciation 'Fitch

Ecobank offers wealth planning services to customers

Agency affirms stable outlook on UBA subsidiaries

FG releases pricing for $2.5bn fifth Eurobond

Shareholders seek UAC water subsidiary's liquidation

Stocks extend gains, index rises by 1.03%

Tips for making the most of your current account

Operators reject excise duties on made-in-Nigeria goods

Nigeria, Indonesia trade volume hits $2.5bn


DEAR WONDERFUL-COUNSELING FATHER, I Thank You for giving me the flourishing life; the divine life is at work in me, causing me to enjoy totality of God and the finished work on the cross(Ps1:3-5).

Today, any where the sole of my foot shall touch belongs to me and all connected to me and the evidence of God's glory distinguishes me for the higher life in Christ on earth(Josh1:3).

This weekend,when men are saying there is a casting down, I say victory on every sides! Glory to God in Jesus'name.

Have a fulfilled weekend

Thursday, 15 February 2018

President of South Africa resigns

South African president, Jacob Zuma has resigned as president of South Africa with immediate effect. This was announced on state television, Wednesday night. Mr. Zuma, 75, has led South Africa since 2009.

His resignation is coming a day after his party rejected him after African National Congress accused of corruption  and his connection to the Gupta family in South Africa.

The 75 - year- old had been under increasing pressure to give way to Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa, the ANC’s new leader.

His resignation came at the end of a long speech in which he said he didn't agree with the way the ANC had acted towards him.

He said he did not fear a motion of no confidence, adding, “ I have served the people of South Africa to the best of my ability .”

Meanwhile , the governing African National Congress said it would elect Zuma successor’s on Thursday (today), 15th Feb

Punch news headlines today

Don Waneys killer squad leader, Agulegbu, killed in Delta

10 corruption cases that can fetch FG $74.5bn, N2.5trn

Civil servants can join political parties, says Ekweremadu

Governors meet over state police, others

APC senators split as Senate adopts revised poll timetable

Interest rate cut drags as fuel scarcity lingers 'Report

APC senators split as Senate adopts revised poll timetable

I didn't say Hausa/Fulani won't rule Nigeria again ' Jang

Sterling Bank appoints Emefienim executive director

Climate change and Fulani herdsmen-farmers clashes

Ex-CBN chief canvasses N500bn national venture capital fund

Alleged N10m bribe: EFCC arraigns CCT chairman March 15

Fayose backs Soyinka, Afenifere urges South West govs to tackle killer herdsmen

AIB, US NTSB, others to probe Delta Airlines accident

Curing the police of their illness

NBA election: We haven't adopted any candidate, says Egbe Amofin

South African President, Zuma, resigns

Lagos-Ibadan rail'll commence operations in January 2019 'FG

Imperatives of sustaining infrastructure renewal in Lagos

Tinubu begins APC reconciliation process, visits Oyegun

Stock market ends losses, appreciates by N166bn

TCN increases power transmission with 200MVA transformers

Well resist rigging in 2019, says PDP national chair

Eko Disco gets technical equipment from Power Africa

Two varsity students feared dead in auto crash

Inflation dropped to 15.13% in January ' NBS

Soldiers kill vigilante, release arrested herdsmen in Edo

Stakeholders fault Customs' import valuation method

Buhari too should join retirees club, PDP tells Tinubu

Lagos trader tortures stepdaughters with hot knife, pepper

Ex-Lagos CJ to deliver Archbishop Vining lecture Sunday

Kachikwu canvasses greater local content in oil sector

Gunmen kill first class graduate, 400-level student

DPR controllers meet over petrol diversion

Is Ortoms call for Benue people to defend themselves right

Police beat up journalist in Akwa Ibom Assembly complex

Osinbajo warns SMEs against GEEP loan default

Burglar breaks into Lagos computer firm, loots office

Ramaphosa: Trade unionist, tycoon and South Africas likely next leader

Lack of investment, others hinder Nigeria's maritime growth' Peterside

Money-eating snake and other Nigerian miracles

I didnt say Hausa/Fulani won't rule Nigeria again Jang

Oni, Fayemi can't win Ekiti for APC, says Oluyede

World Bank, Osun partner to empower MSMEs

Oni, Fayemi cant win Ekiti for APC, says Oluyede

What impact does Valentine has on Nigeria

Consumption tax: LIRS plans automated collection from hotels, others

Presidency ignored warnings before Benue killings,Ortom insists


DEAR GLORIOUS AND FUTURE-REVEALING FATHER, I Thank You for the teaching me how to make supernatural progress by taking heed to Your word; my Spirit is consistently opened to receive your instructions(Prob 8:10).

Today, all I do prosper; I'm not wondering how it will happen but I know that I serve a God that makes all impossibilities possible(Rev22:2).

Consciously, I live in health and vitality, nothing can steal my Joy from me because I'm born with a difference-Born to reign!

Glory to God in Jesus'name

Wednesday, 14 February 2018

Happy birthday to a great role model!!!

Dear Amb. Dr. Prince Kazeem Eletu Odibo, you have been a great role model of selfless giving and on your special day I want to let you know that I appreciate all you’ve done.

Today we get to remember you and your achievements. I pray that you will enjoy many more years of service and continue to be a blessing to others.
I  have learned so much from your example; not forgetting it's exactly one year since you surprised and  blessed my family.

We love you!!

Happy birthday to a great role model! Wishing you many happy returns.


DEAR SWEET AND LOVING FATHER, I Thank You for teaching me by Your Spirit how to make supernatural progress by taking heed to Your word(Prob8:10).

My heart is forever open to receive Your engrafted word with meekness, Faith and gladness; yielding myself totally to the ministry of Your word(Rom1:16).

Today, with the Word-instructions, I wage a good warfare, triumphing everyday to the glory of God(Ps19:17): I'm God-mind, the world is mine! Glory to God!- in Jesus' name

Wednesday, 7 February 2018


DEAR KIND AND PATIENT FATHER, I Thank You for You never fail, You abide with me forever, leading me daily in victory and triumphal excursion of life(Ps56:11).

This day with God on my inside, I have everything in life for God is my satisfaction(Gen15:1).

I declare that I'm ready to receive the overwhelming blessings You have prepared for me, living a praise worthy life and enjoying the fullness of Your Presence consciously(Mal3:16).

Truly I'm a wonder to many -in Jesus' name

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


DEAR WONDERFUL-COUNSELING FATHER, I Thank You for giving me Your divine and solid-guarantee word; for your word is settled in heaven concerning my future and day-to-day plans(Ps119:89,Heb6:17).

Today, I declare that I'm deeply rooted and securely founded on your perfect love; thus, I walk bold, knowing that the greater one dwells in me and love me with an everlasting(1Jh4:18), no one can separate me from the Love of God and has God is for me, no one can be against me for in all things I'm more than conqueror!(Rom8:31-37)-in Jesus' name.

Monday, 5 February 2018


DEAR SWEET AND LOVING FATHER, I Thank You for Delivering out of the holds of darkness and translating me into the kingdom of light-the kingdom of God(Col1:13) and for being my sufficiency; never lacking anything good(2Cor3:15).

This day, I move with the full consciousness of a son/daughter of God; my mindset shows that I'm a citizen of heaven where I'm the glory of God at work even on earth(Phil3:20).

I declare that whatsoever I do is blessed and I know that this week is my week of right decisions in Jesus' name!


Friday, 2 February 2018


DEAR PRECIOUS AND RIGHTEOUS FATHER, I Thank You for the abundance of life You have given i, Your child to enjoy forever; nothing can reduce the love You have towards me(Jh3:16;10:10)!

This day, my heart is receptive to receive more of You, know You more and love You beyond all tides and currents of life(Phil1:1-9).

This weekend I cease every opportunity to tell someone about Jesus because I love God(1Jh4:7-8) This is my weekend of enjoying the fullness of God's Presence in Jesus' name

Have a lovely weekend