A few days ago I was listening to Victoria Orenze’s "return worship concert "and she spoke about alignment with passion. She counted all her prayers, service and worship as useless when she is out of alignment. This got me thinking about alignment and how it affects our life’s journey.
_For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. Rom 8: 7-8 [KJV]_
Dictionary.com described alignment as the proper adjustment of the components of an electronic circuit, machine, etc., for coordinated functioning.
Dictionary.com also defined alignment as a state of agreement or corporation among persons, groups, nations etc. with a common cause or viewpoint.
Alignment is the proper adjustment of our lives, desires and passions with God and His Will for coordinated functioning in your God given place of assignment and influence. Alignment is agreement and corporation with the Holy Spirit of God in achieving the cause and counsel of God on the earth. Alignment is the proper positioning with the God in you, bringing into harmony all that concerns you to God’s. Alignment with God is critical as it is responsible for our life’s definition, life’s discovery and life and destiny’s fulfilment.
Alignment seeks to please God in thoughts and in actions, seeks to be in the same pace or strides with God, to be attuned with the Spirit of God.
Alignment is a peculiar type of obedience, submission and surrender to God which is propelled and compelled by a desire to please God. It is taking every thought captive to obey Christ. [2Cor. 10:5].
Just as alignment is needed for smooth and straight driving, alignment with God is very important in driving smoothly and straight on your destiny’s journey.
When a car’s tyres are out of alignment, the steering wheel vibrates in a bizarre manner, the wear would be uneven on the tyres and the coordination between driving straight and the steering wheel would not be centralized. On our life’s journey, we need check for alignment with God on a continuous basis so we’d not slip out of alignment with God in our zeal to please God. Alignment is a lifelong, all-time vocation.
One too many of believers are serving God outside the radar of God’s approved services. Many more are in complete rebellion but are not aware. Saul, before he has translated into Paul was passionately serving God in error and out of alignment, the king Saul lost his place because of misalignment (1Sam 15:21-24), Peter, stepped out of alignment few minutes after aligning with The Father to state accurately the identity of The Christ (Matt 16:17-23), the man of God Samuel stepped out of alignment in carrying out God’s assignment of anointing a replacement King for Israel after Saul was rejected by God, even fire-full Elijah at one point in His life went out of alignment. Moses, Abraham and Sarah, the King David and the prophets all had their share of misalignments – these men all were all anointed yet they stepped out of alignment with God, it was the mercies of God that kept them. The anointing does not excuse stepping out of alignment.
It is possible to be on fire for God, to burn for God and be full of zeal for God and still be in misalignment; you might be serving in the God’s Sanctuary as a singer who knows how to access and usher worshippers into God’s presence, you can be hyper passionate about souls and soul winning and sill be out of alignment, you can pray the best prayer outside alignment.
There is a difference between what God has said and what God is saying; in order to be up-to-date, you need to be abreast with what God has said and what God is saying per time.
If you’d be truthful with yourself, you’d query your alignment with God, so, every seconds of your days, every minute of your days and every hour of your life must be lived such that alignment would be maintained with God. It is very easy to stay in alignment with God because God makes it easy. You only need to depend on the Holy Spirit to help you maintain alignment. You must daily ask for grace to remain in alignment.
Whatever you find yourself to do, alignment is required, if you want to be financially free, you need to be aligned to financial keys and principles, if you are in business, you also need to be aligned, whatever you do, if you are not in alignment, be sure you’d fail.
God is not interested in all you do, your alignment is what God cares most about.
Guard your alignment, make sure you are continually in alignment.
Abalaka Paul Eneojo
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